2024 Board of Directors
To contact the District 8 Board members for information or questions, email: hello@csotfad8.org
Debby Finley Delamore, President
Ray Magee, Vice President
Joe Johnson, Membership Secretary and Treasurer
Please contact Joe Johnson for all Membership questions. Thank you.
Sid Brown, State Director
Michael Taylor, Photographer & Social Media
I’ve always been a music lover, and appreciate and enjoy all genres. When I moved to Ojai a few years ago I was thrilled to discover the quantity, quality and diversity of musical talent that is part of this community. I have been fortunate to meet and become friends with a number of those talented people, including several who are members of California State Old Time Fiddlers Association. Not being musically talented myself I am glad to be able to assist in promoting the group by providing my photography services, as well as acting as administrator for our Facebook page and YouTube Channel. Going forward I hope to be a part of growing this group and attracting more young people to this valuable musical experience.
Kenny Luper, Advisor
Bob Levin, Advisor and Entertainment Chairperson
Webmaster and Newsletter positions are open as of now.
If you prefer to print out and mail your application with a check, please download our application here