Hoe Down, Low Down
The Monthly Newsletter of the
California State Old Time Fiddlers Association, District 8
March 2021
In This Issue
Meet Your 2021 Board of Directors
Changes in the Works
Financial Update
Member Updates
Performing During Covid
Looking Forward
Greetings CSOTFA District 8 Members!
We hope that everyone is having a safe and healthy 2021. After a very challenging year in 2020, California State Old Time Fiddlers Association District 8 is off to a good start in 2021! We can’t wait to play good music with the great people of our organization and we are looking forward to getting together soon with you!
Our new Board of Directors has been working diligently to bring us into the new year with some delightful treats; a new look and a new plan for growing our community of musicians, fostering public engagement, and education.
This newsletter highlights all the exciting changes we have in store for you in 2021!
Meet Your 2021 Board!
2021 has brought some new faces and returned a few to the California State Old-Time Fiddlers’ Association District 8 Board. Strongly committed to serving our membership, the board is hard at work behind the scenes, so that we can all enjoy the fun times ahead, when Covid restraints are lifted.
Please welcome your new President, Pat Cronin, your new State Director, Bob Bueling, your new Treasurer, Joe Johnson, your new Membership Secretary and Recording Secretary, Lori Litow!
In The Works
New District 8 Website
We now have a brand new website for District 8, professionally designed and managed by one of our members, Zachary James Wilson (Zachary James).
Membership Applications & Dues Payments
Membership Applications can now be processed via the website for those who have internet access. For those members who do not use the internet, we will still make our traditional membership forms and newsletter available in hard copy. Once we have updated our membership contacts, you will receive your renewals and updates via email or hard copy (if you do not have email). Payments for new and renewal memberships can be made via the website
Bylaw Revisions
The District 8 Bylaws have been revised, approved by our Board of Directors and placed on the District 8 website, along with the Articles of Incorporation
Membership Growth
We are looking into new ways to interest younger people to join the ranks of our membership and to get involved in the joy that “old time” music brings to others.
CSOTFA State Website
Our new District 8 website is now located on the State’s website, under the Districts tab.
Community Outreach
We are planning local community outreach programs to educate all ages in the art of “old time” music, from the early days of hillbilly music, to the roots of Americana and Country, to Bluegrass and to the Nu-Grass sounds of today.
Newsletter Gets A Face Lift
Our "Low Down Hoe Down" newsletter will be emailed to you automatically through our website. It will keep you updated on changes in our local organization, District 8.
Food Trucks at Monthly Jam
We are looking into having Food Trucks on sight to provide food and drinks for members, guests, and the community.
County and Community Center Update
The County of Ventura Parks and Rec has been contacted regarding our re-opening. They assure us that our rent credits for 2020 will be honored in 2021. We will still meet at the Oakview Community Center when the Covid restrictions lift.
Membership Updates
We will be contacting all members to update their contact information and their email address for future communication. Since our newsletter will be sent out through our new website, it is very important that we ensure all your contact information is accurate.
We will be contacting all Members to survey you for your requests, ideas, suggestions for CSOTFA in 2021.
All new members will fill out the standard Membership Form authorized by the State Membership Director as outlined in our bylaws. All new members will receive a membership card showing the term for which they have paid their dues.
Would you like to show members what you are doing with music to stay connected during Covid? Send us links to your websites, social media sites, streaming services, online and online stores!
If you are performing live, performing open mics on Zoom, Facebook Live, hosting jam sessions online, etc., send photos and videos to Michael Taylor by clicking here.
Post will be reviewed and if acceptable in quality and content, Michael will post to the CSOTFAD8 Facebook and YouTube pages.
To view our members in action check out the CSOTFAD8 Facebook page and the CSOTFAD8 You Tube Channel.
Our FB page is able to be viewed by the public but only members can comment and post. All photos and videos are posted by Michael Taylor.
Our You Tube Channel is able to be viewed by the public but only members may add videos by contacting Michael Taylor here
Thoughts on the instruments that make Old Time Music by local historian, luthier, and member, Kent Hughes
Thoughts and wisdom from Award-winning recording artist, Broadway singer, journalist, educator and critically-acclaimed powerhouse vocalist, Susie Glaze
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month for jam sessions and performances!
Need directions? Click here
In Memorium
Lyndell Henry Pool
May 10, 1927- February 5, 2021
Looking Forward
When we are able to get together in person again, we will plan a “Together Again Celebration” at the Oakview Community Center for all members.
When we are allowed to meet again in person, we will have a new performance system, structured to provide you with more diversity in songs and performers.
Our jams on the patio will welcome all members.
The Kunkle room will still be available as a multi-purpose room, to be used as needed for members to play acoustic music.
We will have educational workshops, to support the musicians and appreciators of music, who want to learn more about the origins and history of old-time music, performance and jamming.
We are looking for music teachers who will join us in the effort to educate our members on the acoustic instruments of old-time music and performance skills.
We are looking for member volunteers who want to contribute to articles, research, informative, humorous, information to share with other members for our newsletter and website.
Our website will provide a streamlined, automated system for booking gigs with CSOTFA performers who can perform appropriately and professionally to represent District 8.
We are working on creating an online store for CSOTFA-D8 quality merchandise that can be purchased by members at reasonable prices. This will help us to advertise CSOTFA.
All members: Please send us links to your music websites, Facebook Pages or Groups, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
We are considering bringing back a table to be set up in the back of the community room for sale or give-away of members’ "music-related" items, like instruments, books, music, art and jewelry.
We are looking for volunteers to clean out and set up a display to showcase pictures and memoirs of our District 8 members and Fiddle / Acoustic Instrument contest winners, to be housed in the glass/wood case at the front of the community center.
If you prefer to print out and mail your application with a check, please download our application here